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<  Talk  ~  Hell0o from India
BeitragVerfasst am: 10.08.2010 09:49  Antworten mit Zitat
Baby Border

Anmeldungsdatum: 15.06.2008
Beiträge: 62

Hello every body!!!!

I'm still in India, in cachemire right now! I have no more time to explain how beautifull it is and how i like it!!

I just don't have time to read and look the freebord news and video, somebody could just pm me about what event will happend in europe when i come back : middle august

I want to spend some time with my girlefriend and my family of course but i need to reide again and more to ride again i need to ride with german people, for me definitely my favourite freebord community, see you soon!!1

Bye bye

my pictures, long time i didn't update:

thank you see you soon, hey i know i still hown you some money Bryan, dont worry sorry for the time!!!

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BeitragVerfasst am: 11.08.2010 10:37  Antworten mit Zitat
Rookie Border
Rookie Border

Anmeldungsdatum: 18.05.2008
Beiträge: 992

JERRYYYYYY, we miss you bro...Great pictures you took..I can just imagine what a livetime inexperience that trip is for you...come back safe, we have some beers and ride..


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BeitragVerfasst am: 12.08.2010 10:29  Antworten mit Zitat
Freebord Master Mind
Freebord Master Mind

Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2005
Beiträge: 4093
Wohnort: Deutschland


greetings to india..

travel well
tell us later on some bad ass danger deathly storys which you survived....
give love to people who do not even have nothing, but less than that....

PS: if you have time visit the farm of Vandana Shiva
they try to save the wordlwides natural plantseeds which are not manipulated...

we will ride a lot very soon!!!!!


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hoppe hat Folgendes geschrieben:

it was only my GLOBALGRINDS deck that made this video possible.
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BeitragVerfasst am: 01.09.2010 20:06  Antworten mit Zitat
Rookie Border
Rookie Border

Anmeldungsdatum: 05.03.2008
Beiträge: 628
Wohnort: Freebordmastermind

i tell ya, some years ago i had a beautifull, lovely girlfrind fom greatfull india. but listen- india is shared in some off these ya have to eat da whole plate of food ya got aaaand defenatally no alcoho to drink. that sucks, reaaaaly. nothing aggainst india keks

ahOi hat Folgendes geschrieben:
ansonsten: beim fallen versuchen ins rollen zukommen...
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